
Self-improvement is not the cultivation of greater happiness, rather, a cultivation of greater self-respect. 

Everything is f*ucked. A book about hope - Mark Manson


Închisoarea cea mai mare este în mintea voastră, dar voi aveți deja cheia în buzunar. Trebuie doar să decideți să vă asumați responsabilitatea absolută a vieții voastre, să fiți dispuși să riscați, să alegeți să vă eliberați de judecată și să vă revendicați inocența, acceptându-vă și iubindu-vă așa cum sunteți: umani, imperfecți, compleți.

Nu puteți schimba ce a fost, nu puteți schimba ce ați făcut sau ce vi s-a făcut. Dar puteți alege cum să trăiți acum. 

Alegerea - Edith Eger


A "simple person" is someone who speaks plainly about what they really are. What makes simple people gratifying to be around isn't that their intentions are always unproblematic for us; it's that we know exactly what those intentions are from the start. 

People become frustratingly complicated when they doubt the legitimacy of their desires - and therefore don't dare to tell the world what they properly want and feel. 

The more we know what we're trying to achieve in any area, the simpler and plainer our lives can became.

Beauty is very important.

Existence becomes overcomplicated when we submit ourselves to tasks or possessions without having a clear sense of their purpose. When we don't properly know why we're doing something, we don't know how much of it we need in our life. Simplicity, therefore, can be defined as the result and precious fruit of clarifying our goals.

Simplificity isn't so much a life with few things and commitments in it, as a life with the right, necessary things, attuned to our flourishing. Our lives will feel - and be - simpler when we've probed our minds to yield up their most secret and precious insight: the knowledge of what we truly want.

A simpler Life: A guide to greater serenity, ease and clarity -  Alain de Botton


Those who bristle at the suggestion that they might need to change paradoxically provide the clearest evidence that they are in grave need of inner evolution.

Beneath the distinction between leaving and staying lies a more important distinction: between love and indifference.

Normally, we imagine love as a kind of ownership. Full of admiration, two people agree to buy one another as they might a static, beguiling object. But there is another, more dynamic and less hidebound way to interpret love: as a particular kind of education. In this view, a relationship comprises a mutual attempt to learn from and teach something to another person...Love should be a classroom in which we mutually undertake to educate one another, in a spirit of support and compassion, to grow into the best versions of ourselves. 

In the end, defensiveness is the single greatest explanation for all divorces: the inability to listen with grace to what another person is saying without resorting to stubborn pride and denial. 

The lover we desperately need is not the person who shares our every taste and interest; it is the kindly soul who has learnt to negotiate differences in taste with modesty and curiosity. 

Stay or leave - The School of Life


După o anumită vârstă aproape toate întrebările pe care și le pune cineva se reduc, în realitate, la una singură: cum se trăiește o viață?

Britt-Marie a fost aici - Fredrik Backman


În cele din urmă, cel mai mare dar pe care îl oferiți lumii este să fiți ceea ce sunteți - atât darul vostru, cât și împlinirea voastră. 

Being and the Meaning of Life - A.H.. Almaas


Reviewed by Mirela on Rating: 5